Bottling hall workers at Young Spirits raise a glass to Vert for helping create a quieter workplace
April 16, 2020
Bottling hall workers at Young Sprits, an Edinburgh based small batch bottling, labelling and distribution company for craft distillers, are toasting the company’s decision to invest in a new low-noise compressor from innovative Scottish business, Vert Technologies, to help create a quieter workplace.

Founded in 2019, Young Spirits is a fulfilment partner with a focus on small batch spirits: gin rum, vodka and whisk(e)y. Operating from a plant in the city’s Sighthill district, it is, it believes, “the secret weapon” of small producers.
Its bottling hall, which fulfils thousands of orders a day, was an exceptionally noisy place until the company’s management team discovered the benefits of the Vert Technologies’ A150 compressor.
John Ferguson, director and co-founder of the business, said: “We previously had a noisy compressor which tended to drown out any conversation in its vicinity. Vert carried out a product demo in our bottling hall to let us hear the difference and we were impressed.
“We liked the quietness of the Vert compressor and the fact it had a 100% duty cycle so could run continuously if required. And it also made our entire team very much happier: all too often, with the noise and vibration from the old compressor, you could hardly hear yourself think”.
Unlike most traditional compressors, the Vert A150 has a 100% duty cycle, meaning that it can run continuously if required. The compact, portable units also provide flexibility as they can be easily moved from one location to another as the Young Spirits facility grows.
Vert’s patented Conical Rotary Compressor (CRC) technology lies at the core of its powerful compressors, which produce high pressure air without compromising on noise levels for the operator. The CRC’s innovative design has been described as the biggest advance in the compressor industry in 40 years.
Founded in 2013, Vert employs 15 people at its Technology Manufacturing and Design centre on the southern edge of Edinburgh. Its technology has won multiple awards since the first working prototype was produced in 2014 and led to the company securing a prestigious government grant in 2019 from the UK Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS).
Vert is currently accelerating commercial sales of its compressor units, powered by its patented CRC technology.