金旭 王樹剛 張騰飛 李照義 祖豐
摘要:以低雎端為變頻雙轉子、高壓端為定頻單轉子的兩臺壓縮機構成的雙級壓縮系統為研究對象,基于轉子雎縮機幾何模型,依據質量與能量守恒方程.建立變容量雙級壓縮系統壓縮機動態耦合模型,并利用試驗塒模型進行校核。基十模擬和試驗結果,分析中fHj壓力、中間氣體溫度和高壓雎縮機捧氣溫度等參數隨時問和低壓壓機頻率的變化規律。結果表明.系統的中伽壓力、中問氣體溫度和高壓壓縮機排氣溫度具有脈動特性;在蒸發溫度0℃,冷凝溫度40℃。低高壓壓縮機理論輸氣量比為2.82時,中『日J壓力已接近冷凝壓力。系統將失去中補氣增焓效果;通過增人低壓壓縮機頻率可有效提高系統制熱量,但系統制熱性能系數(Coefficient ofPerformance for heating,COPh)改善較小,且COPhz*優值所對應的低壓壓縮帆頻率隨蒸發溫度的降低將逐漸增大。
Dynamic Coupled Model of Compressors in Two-stage CompressionSystem with Variable Capacity
JIN Xu WANG Shugan ZHANG Tengfeil Zhaoyi ZU Fen
(1.Faculty ofInfrastructure Engineering,Dalian University ofTechnology,Dalian 1 16024;2.Department of Research and Development,Dalian Sanyo Meica Electronics.Co.,Ltd.,Dalian 116600)
Abstract:A two-stage compression heat pump syste
m witll variable capacity has been studied,which consists of two compressorsincluding a double-rotor compressor with variable capacity for the low compression,and a single-rotor compressor for the highcompression.Acompressor dynamic coupled model ofa two-stage compression system wi山variable capacity is established,based Onthe compressor geometry,the mass and energy conservation equations.The model is finally vmfied by the experiment.The variations of the intermediate gas pressure and temperature,and the high compressor discharge temperature with time and low compressor frequency arc analyzed.The results show that the intermediate gas pressure and temperature,and the high compressor dischargetemperature ofthe system a他pulsatile.And when the evaporation and condensation temperatures equal respectively,and the ratio of theoretical displacement of the low compressor to that of the high one is 2.82.it is shown that the intermediate gas pressure will draw close to the condensation pressure and the enthalpy-increasing effect of the vapor injection will disappear.In addition,increasing the low compressor frequency Call improve the heating capacity significantly,but the coefficient of performance for heating(COPh)improves a little.However,the low compressor frequency corresponding to the optimal coPb increases with thedecrease ofthe cvapomfion temperature.
Key words:Two-stage compression Variable capacity Rotary compressor
金旭 王樹剛 張騰飛 李照義 祖豐
摘要:以低雎端為變頻雙轉子、高壓端為定頻單轉子的兩臺壓縮機構成的雙級壓縮系統為研究對象,基于轉子雎縮機幾何模型,依據質量與能量守恒方程.建立變容量雙級壓縮系統壓縮機動態耦合模型,并利用試驗塒模型進行校核。基十模擬和試驗結果,分析中fHj壓力、中間氣體溫度和高壓雎縮機捧氣溫度等參數隨時問和低壓壓機頻率的變化規律。結果表明.系統的中伽壓力、中問氣體溫度和高壓壓縮機排氣溫度具有脈動特性;在蒸發溫度0℃,冷凝溫度40℃。低高壓壓縮機理論輸氣量比為2.82時,中『日J壓力已接近冷凝壓力。系統將失去中補氣增焓效果;通過增人低壓壓縮機頻率可有效提高系統制熱量,但系統制熱性能系數(Coefficient ofPerformance for heating,COPh)改善較小,且COPhz*優值所對應的低壓壓縮帆頻率隨蒸發溫度的降低將逐漸增大。
Dynamic Coupled Model of Compressors in Two-stage CompressionSystem with Variable Capacity
JIN Xu WANG Shugan ZHANG Tengfeil Zhaoyi ZU Fen
(1.Faculty ofInfrastructure Engineering,Dalian University ofTechnology,Dalian 1 16024;2.Department of Research and Development,Dalian Sanyo Meica Electronics.Co.,Ltd.,Dalian 116600)
Abstract:A two-stage compression heat pump syste
m witll variable capacity has been studied,which consists of two compressorsincluding a double-rotor compressor with variable capacity for the low compression,and a single-rotor compressor for the highcompression.Acompressor dynamic coupled model ofa two-stage compression system wi山variable capacity is established,based Onthe compressor geometry,the mass and energy conservation equations.The model is finally vmfied by the experiment.The variations of the intermediate gas pressure and temperature,and the high compressor discharge temperature with time and low compressor frequency arc analyzed.The results show that the intermediate gas pressure and temperature,and the high compressor dischargetemperature ofthe system a他pulsatile.And when the evaporation and condensation temperatures equal respectively,and the ratio of theoretical displacement of the low compressor to that of the high one is 2.82.it is shown that the intermediate gas pressure will draw close to the condensation pressure and the enthalpy-increasing effect of the vapor injection will disappear.In addition,increasing the low compressor frequency Call improve the heating capacity significantly,but the coefficient of performance for heating(COPh)improves a little.However,the low compressor frequency corresponding to the optimal coPb increases with thedecrease ofthe cvapomfion temperature.
Key words:Two-stage compression Variable capacity Rotary compressor